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Formative Assessment


Formative assessments are key in every day instruction used to assess current understandings, allow for modifications to be made and to give students descriptive feedback. Using technology not only allows for easy access to formative assessments through apps or online resources such as quizlet, quizizz and kahoot but also allows teachers and students to get immediate feedback.  As a result, both are able to assess progress and modify the learning or teaching to better fit student needs.  


A classmate and I created the following website as a part of a Professional Development on Formative Assessments. Click on this link to learn more about our PD. 

Unit Plan on Cell Structure and Function

This unit plan was constructed with a group of classmates to

address the concept of cells; illustrating how all living organisms are composed of cells which have different structures and specialize in different functions. The lessons included within this unit  incorporate a series of brief lectures, worksheets, a project and lab experiments.


Click on the image above to learn more about our Unit Plan.


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